Student Life

Information for Incoming Students

Health Requirements for All Incoming Students

All health history, immunizations, HIPAA forms, Emergency Medical Contact information, and student-athlete information need to be completed by August 1st.

Use these step-by-step instructions to access and upload documentation to Med+Proctor.


I. Health History Form:

All undergraduate and graduate first-year (Pharmacy/PGx/MAT programs), and transfer students are required to submit a Health History form. Medical information is strictly confidential and is used to provide the appropriate care for the student when needed. You can complete your Health History form and upload to your Med+Proctor account.

Health History Form

II. Immunizations:

Manchester University requires all entering students to present evidence of immunity to certain diseases before they arrive on campus. Students whose religious beliefs conflict must fill out the Immunization Exemption form located here.

Risks of Non-Immunization: Immunization is a safe and effective way to protect you against vaccine-preventable diseases, hospitalization, or death that can spread among individuals in a group situation such as a university campus. Covid-19, Influenza, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Diphtheria, Pertussis, and/or Meningococcal meningitis are contagious diseases in which a student may be asked to leave campus or quarantine should a case of one of the above diseases occur on either the Manchester campuses or during University travel. The student can return to campus when the local health department, the university, or the local health authority deems it safe for the student and community. Non-immunized students may need to have their living arrangements changed should any of their living partners have a health condition that would put them in danger of developing a disease against which they are not protected.

Required immunizations:

  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) (series of two)
  • Meningococcal or MenACWY (series of two)
  • Meningococcal B or MenB (series of two)
  • Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) (within the past 10 years)

Recommended immunizations for all students:

  • Covid-19
  • Influenza

For International, Nursing, Athletic Training, Graduate and Doctoral students ONLY*: 

  • Tuberculosis screening test or QuantiFERON Gold Blood test (T-spot) (must be less than 12 months old)
  • Covid-19 
  • Influenza

* There may be additional vaccination requirements for designated programs. Please reach out to the specific department(s)/programs(s) for more information!


We at Manchester University are dedicated to providing quality health services. This includes respecting individual's rights and protecting the privacy of identifiable health information. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) provides standards for protecting health information. See the Notices of Privacy Practices below.

Individuals’ Right under HIPAA to Access their Health Information |

If you are under 18 years of age by your designated move in date, you cannot be seen without a signed consent form your parent/guardian. Please have your parent/guardian complete the form below and submit the form to Med+Proctor. 

Minor Consent Form

If you are 18 years of age or older, you may authorize Manchester University's Health Services to use and/or disclose certain protected health information (PHI) to a designated parent/guardian. Please complete the form below and submit the form to Med+Proctor.

Protected Health Information Form

IV. Emergency Medical Contact Information:

All incoming students are required to complete the Emergency Medical Contact Information using their MU student login information. The form can be completed using the following link:

Emergency Medical Card

Additional health requirements for incoming students who will participate in intercollegiate sports:


I. Athletic Forms:

All incoming student-athletes who will be participating in intercollegiate sports must complete their medical information and NCAA requirements by visiting SPORTSWARE. Use these step-by-step instructions to access and upload information.


II. Physical Examination:

Students planning to participate in intercollegiate sports must have a physical within the past 6-months from the start of the academic school year for those students enrolling in the fall. For those students enrolling in the spring, sport physicals must be within 6-months from the start of the spring semester. If you do not plan on participating in intercollegiate athletics, there is no need to get a physical examination.

Download Physical Form

Please upload your finished Physical Form to SportsWare in the Forms section


III. Sickle Cell Trait Status:

The NCAA is mandating that its member institutions verify sickle cell trait status of every student-athlete beginning August 1, 2022. Although there are no requirements limiting participation in sports by student-athletes who have the sickle cell trait, the NCAA requires Athletic Departments to identify each athlete’s status to better educate and identify high-risk student-athletes. All student-athletes at Manchester University are required to provide documentation demonstrating the presence or absence of sickle cell trait. Please have your healthcare provider complete this form by doing a sickle cell solubility test or by documenting results from a previous test. 

Sickle Cell Trait Status Form


IV. Athletic Insurance:

It is required to have health insurance in order to be eligible to participate in athletics. You can complete proof of this requirement by uploading a copy of your insurance card to Sportsware.


V. PSM Consent to Treat:

Parkview Sports Medicine partners with Manchester University to provide medical coverage for its student-athletes. For student-athletes on an eligible roster to be treated by the sports medicine staff, they must sign the PSM Consent to Treat Form.



Clinic Information

Phone: 260-982-5306
Fax: 260-901-8046

Hours of Operation 
Monday and Thursday 10:00am - 2:00pm
